Monday, July 1, 2024

Portfolio Summary for June 2024

As of 30 June 2024


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 440 35.79 4.40
UOB 400 31.33 3.50
OCBC Bank 700 14.43 2.82
SGX 3,200 9.48 8.48
ST Engineering 6,900 4.33 8.35
Powermatic Data 8,500 3.35 7.96
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.57 8.08
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.56 8.55
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.49 7.96
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.32 7.94
Credit Bureau Asia 14,300 0.89 3.56
Nanofilm 36,100 0.745 7.52
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.70 4.29
China Sunsine 41,800 0.395 4.62
TalkMed Group 34,500 0.395 3.81
Kimly 27,000 0.32 2.42
HC Surgical 35,500 0.285 2.83
Silverlake Axis 37,100 0.28 2.90
Portfolio Value = S$357,607
YTD Dividends Received = S$6,728
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$101



Security # shares Price S$ %
SGX 1,300 9.48 7.63
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.57 5.25
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.56 4.83
Sheng Siong 8,700 1.49 8.03
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.32 4.50
Credit Bureau Asia 5,700 0.89 3.14
Nanofilm 12,500 0.745 5.77
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.70 3.25
China Sunsine 10,800 0.395 2.64
Kimly 5,800 0.32 1.15
HC Surgical 19,500 0.285 3.44
Silverlake Axis 6,000 0.28 1.04
NetLink NBN Trust 96,000 0.83 49.34
Portfolio Value = S$161,500

- Bought 36,000 units of NetLink NBN Trust.

Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount Coupon Now
GX22120S S$14,000 3.26%
GX23010Z S$15,000 2.95%
GX23110V S$20,000 3.21%
GX23120Z S$20,000 3.30%
GX24060A S$20,000 3.26%
GX24070S S$20,000 3.26%
Portfolio Value = S$109,000

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.134
Portfolio Value = US$9,380


Time flew by in a hurry.  We have come to the end of another month.  It was the June school holiday.  Several of my friends and colleagues headed overseas to enjoy new adventures with their kids.  As my elder son is preparing for his PSLE this year, my family stayed put in Singapore.

If you have been following the news, the world seems to be in a bad state right now.  The Israel-Hamas war shows no sign of stopping, despite effort by political leaders to mediate a truce.  The EU just imposed tariffs on China's car exports, while China is reviewing its pork imports from Europe in a tit-for-tat move.  The US continues to try and block China's access to high-end technology for chip manufacturing.  After visiting China in May, Russia's Putin paid a visit to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, with a few agreements signed between the two countries.  Putin also stopped over at Vietnam.

It seems to me the world is becoming polarised, with a us-versus-them mindset brewing.  This is sad.

In finance, the US Fed is now forecasting only one rate cut in 2024, compared to three at the start of the year.  The US stock market continued to hit record high, as retail investors poured money into AI darling, Nvidia.  However, the same momentum did not carry over to our shores.  The Straits Times Index lost 0.11 percent in June, dragged down by the 21.6 percent decline in Seatrium stock price.

As the stocks on my watchlist were little changed, I did not execute any trade for my CDP portfolio.  I continued to build my position in NetLink NBN Trust for my SRS portfolio, acquiring another 36,000 units.

I subscribed for $20,000 of the July's Singapore Savings Bond (SSB).  The average yield on August's SSB has dropped to an estimated 3.22%.  Nonetheless, this is still above my requirement, so I will subscribe for $20,000 of this tranche.

At home, my wife and I completed the registration for our son in MOE's Direct School Admission Scheme (DSA-Sec).  My son also attended a DSA interview skills workshop conducted by an external trainer.  Near the end of June, my son submitted his personal statement online, as requested by a school.  Another school has extended an interview invitation on July 5.  Fingers crossed for a promising outcome.

Signing off.  Take care!

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Portfolio Summary for May 2024

As of 31 May 2024


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 440 35.99 4.42
UOB 400 30.79 3.44
OCBC Bank 700 14.51 2.84
SGX 3,200 9.56 8.55
ST Engineering 6,900 4.18 8.06
Powermatic Data 8,500 2.96 7.03
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.62 8.33
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.60 8.76
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.49 7.95
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.35 8.11
Credit Bureau Asia 14,300 0.945 3.78
Nanofilm 36,100 0.77 7.77
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.70 4.28
China Sunsine 41,800 0.40 4.67
TalkMed Group 34,500 0.395 3.81
Kimly 27,000 0.315 2.38
Silverlake Axis 37,100 0.295 3.06
HC Surgical 35,500 0.28 2.78
Portfolio Value = S$357,932
YTD Dividends Received = S$6,452
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$75



Security # shares Price S$ %
SGX 1,300 9.56 9.32
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.62 6.56
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.60 6.00
Sheng Siong 8,700 1.49 9.72
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.35 5.57
Credit Bureau Asia 5,700 0.945 4.04
Nanofilm 12,500 0.77 7.22
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.70 3.94
China Sunsine 10,800 0.40 3.24
Kimly 5,800 0.315 1.37
Silverlake Axis 6,000 0.295 1.33
HC Surgical 19,500 0.28 4.10
NetLink NBN Trust 60,000 0.835 37.58
Portfolio Value = S$133,303

- Bought 36,000 units of NetLink NBN Trust.

Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount Coupon Now
GX22120S S$14,000 3.26%
GX23010Z S$15,000 2.95%
GX23110V S$20,000 3.21%
GX23120Z S$20,000 3.30%
GX24060A S$20,000 3.26%
Portfolio Value = S$89,000

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.14
Portfolio Value = US$9,800


I often joke to my foreign friends that Singapore has two seasons - sunny and rainy.  Our little tropical island can be scorching hot one day, and inudated by heavy thunderstorms the next.  Such diverse weather was common in the month of May.

Singapore also witnessed the swearing-in of a new government, with Lawrence Wong taking over as Prime Minister (PM) from Lee Hsien Loong.  While most ministers retained their original portfolios, the time for General Election is near, as the PM will likely seek a new mandate from the people.

Inflation in the US continues to persist higher than expected, which means the Fed is happy to sit on their hands and do nothing to the Fed Fund Rate.  Any form of relief rally is likely to be short-lived.  Some market professionals [here] and [here] are even predicting no rate cut this year.

The three local banks reported another quarter of healthy profit.  That said, as their deposit base widens while loan growth stagnates, it is going to be harder to repeat the same kind of stellar performance seen last year.  The redeeming grace will be the rising income from wealth management fees.

Market sentiment is relatively bullish, and many stocks had risen in price.  I only executed one trade for my SRS account in May.  FOMO is never a good reason to invest.  I will patiently build up my dry powder in favour of better opportunities.

I vested $20,000 for the June's Singapore Savings Bond (SSB).  The average yield for July's issuance of SSB is an estimated 3.30%.  This meets my minimum requirement, so I will also apply for $20,000 of the July's SSB.

I am building a SSB tranche ladder alongside my stock portfolio.  Equity dividends are lumpy in nature and are sensitive to the performance of the economy.  This makes the payout rather unpredictable.  In an adverse scenario, even REITs have to cut or reduce their distributions, so they are not stable instruments either.  The fixed coupons from SSB will help to smoothen the cash inflow.

On the home front, my wife and I brought our older boy to different secondary schools' Open House over three consecutive Saturdays.  It was an eye-opener as we gained a good understanding on the unique student experience available, as well as toured the school compound.  We have applied for the Direct School Admission (DSA-Sec) to three different secondary schools, leveraging on my son's leadership track record.  I hope my boy will be able to score at least an interview in July.

That's all for now.  Take care!

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Portfolio Summary for April 2024

As of 30 April 2024


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 440 34.90 4.06
UOB 400 30.40 3.50
OCBC Bank 700 14.25 2.87
SGX 3,200 9.36 8.63
ST Engineering 6,900 4.03 8.01
Powermatic Data 8,500 2.97 7.28
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.41 7.48
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.60 9.04
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.55 8.53
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.40 8.67
Credit Bureau Asia 14,300 0.92 3.79
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.715 4.51
Nanofilm 36,100 0.65 6.76
China Sunsine 41,800 0.415 5.00
TalkMed Group 34,500 0.41 4.08
Kimly 27,000 0.30 2.33
HC Surgical 35,500 0.26 2.66
Silverlake Axis 37,100 0.26 2.78
Portfolio Value = S$346,995
YTD Dividends Received = S$1,465
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$52



Security # shares Price S$ %
SGX 1,300 9.36 12.04
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.41 7.53
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.60 7.92
Sheng Siong 8,700 1.55 13.34
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.40 7.62
Credit Bureau Asia 5,700 0.92 5.19
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.715 5.31
Nanofilm 12,500 0.65 8.04
China Sunsine 10,800 0.415 4.43
Kimly 5,800 0.30 1.72
HC Surgical 19,500 0.26 5.02
Silverlake Axis 6,000 0.26 1.54
NetLink NBN Trust 24,000 0.855 20.30
Portfolio Value = S$101,071

- Sold 200 shares of UOB.
- Sold 5,800 shares of TalkMed Group.

Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount (S$) Avg Yld %
GX22120S 14,000 3.47
GX23010Z 15,000 3.26
GX23110V 20,000 3.32
GX23120Z 20,000 3.40
Portfolio Value = S$69,000

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.137
Portfolio Value = US$9,590


We have come to the end of April.  The weather has been terribly hot.  It is more summer now than spring.  Thank heavens for air conditioning.  I consider it mankind's greatest invention ever.

A cool head - and heaps of patience - is needed right now, as market sentiment swings between positivity due to robust earnings and negativity due to persistent inflation.  For all the volatility, the local Straits Times Index had only inched up 1.6 per cent year-to-date in contrast to the S&P 500 Index which had soared 7.3 per cent over the same period.  I did not accumulate any stock in my watchlist, as the prices did not hit my trigger point.  Meanwhile, I continue to reduce the number of holdings in my SRS portfolio as planned.

Many listed companies are publishing their Annual Reports and holding their Annual General Meetings (AGM) around this time.  Attending the AGM is a good opportunity to get to know the senior management and to ask questions one may have about the business.  However, it is hard for me to take time off from my work, and I would like to reserve my leave for unexpected situations that occur within the family.  Hence, I have been giving the AGMs a miss.  I hope to be able to attend them when I retire.

There is the popular axiom to "sell in May and go away".  It is supposed to be a seasonal trade strategy to avoid the weakness in the stock markets between May and October.  But I have never tried it, so I cannot vouch for its effectiveness.  I have seen stocks that trended higher after I sold them, so I must profess that I am a lousy market timer.  I prefer to hold the stocks, and earn some dividend cash as well as side income via SGX's Securities Lending programme.

Companies will report their 1Q 2024 result soon.  Confirmed dates are:

2 May 2024 - DBS
8 May 2024 - UOB
10 May 2024 - OCBC

The average yield for June's issuance of Singapore Savings Bond has gone up to an estimated 3.33%.  This is tantalizing in my view.  I will apply for $20,000 of the June issue.  With various central banks (except BOJ) looking to cut rates in 2H 2024, I doubt the yield will go up much higher.

The mid-year examinations will begin soon for my two kids.  We are ramping up the revision tempo, so that they can be adequately prepared.  Looking at the careless mistakes made during their practice assessments, we are a little worried about their peformance.

On 7 May 2024, the Ministry of Education will open the application for the Direct School Admission (DSA-Sec).  My wife and I intend to apply on our older boy's behalf, who is in his final school year.  We hope to be able to secure an interview based on his leadership track record.  Meanwhile, we will take the chance to tour the different secondary schools during their Open House in the month of May.

Until next time, take care!

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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Portfolio Summary for March 2024

As of 31 March 2024


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 400 36.03 4.20
UOB 400 29.31 3.42
OCBC Bank 700 13.49 2.75
SGX 3,200 9.21 8.58
ST Engineering 6,900 4.02 8.08
Powermatic Data 8,500 3.00 7.43
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.37 7.34
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.53 8.51
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.60 9.13
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.39 8.71
Credit Bureau Asia 14,300 0.915 3.81
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.725 4.63
Nanofilm 36,100 0.715 7.52
China Sunsine 41,800 0.395 4.81
TalkMed Group 34,500 0.36 3.62
Kimly 27,000 0.305 2.40
HC Surgical 35,500 0.26 2.69
Silverlake Axis 37,100 0.22 2.38
Portfolio Value = S$343,297
YTD Dividends Received = S$1,249
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$27

- Bought 20,000 shares of TalkMed Group.


Security # shares Price S$ %
UOB 200 29.31 5.39
SGX 1,300 9.21 11.00
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.37 6.80
Sheng Siong 8,700 1.53 12.23
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.60 7.35
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.39 7.03
Credit Bureau Asia 5,700 0.915 4.79
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.725 5.00
Nanofilm 12,500 0.715 8.21
China Sunsine 10,800 0.395 3.92
TalkMed Group 5,800 0.36 1.92
Kimly 5,800 0.305 1.63
HC Surgical 19,500 0.26 4.66
Silverlake Axis 6,000 0.22 1.21
NetLink NBN Trust 24,000 0.855 18.86
Portfolio Value = S$108,813

- Sold 100 shares of DBS.
- Sold 3,000 shares of ST Engineering.

Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount (S$) Avg Yld %
GX22120S 14,000 3.47
GX23010Z 15,000 3.26
GX23110V 20,000 3.32
GX23120Z 20,000 3.40
Portfolio Value = S$69,000

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.152
Portfolio Value = US$10,640


Time flies.  We have come to the end of the first calendar quarter.  The local bank stocks resumed the momentum and hit higher highs without taking a breather.  I could only sit on my hands and wait patiently for retracement, which I am pretty sure will come once the U.S. Fed cuts rates.

I took another nibble of TalkMed Group.  I am also monitoring Micro-Mechanics Holdings as investors continued to be bearish on the company's near-term prospects.

As planned, I whittled down positions in my SRS portfolio, selling DBS and ST Engineering as they hit yearly highs.  My eventual goal is to hold only one (or two) tickers in my SRS portfolio.

During March, I topped up my SRS account with the full cash amount eligible ($15.3k).  The main reason is to earn relief on my income tax.  Another reason is that my employer does a 50% matching contribution up to $5.7k.  The contribution goes separately into my company pension account, which is currently vested in an OCBC money-market fund.  The money is eligible for withdrawal only when I resign or retire.

Speaking of income tax, I recently checked my YA2024 filing on the IRAS portal.  On seeing the amount payable, my first thought was, "Sigh. There goes my performance bonus."  Well, it is actually a good thing to be able to pay income tax.  It means you are earning a comfortable amount of money for a living.  Nonetheless, I'd recommend one to be conversant with all of the tax reliefs available.  Not paying more tax than necessary is a prudent measure.

The average yield on May 2024 issuance of Singapore Savings Bond is estimated to be 3.06%.  Again, this is lower than my requirement, so I won't be parking any money there.

Earnings release season is coming up.  With sticky inflation and the central banks not in a hurry to ease interest rates, financing cost is likely to remain high for leveraged entities.  That said, the economy seems to be going strong, so companies continue to do brisk business and bring in revenue.  The stock market rally still has legs.  But one can never know.  Keeping my powder dry to pounce on opportunities as they arise.

I had just watched ChannelNewsAsia's latest documentary, "Regardless of Grades".  (You can find it [here].)  It talks about the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) and the impact it has on our children.  It is no surprise that a field experiment found parental expectations to contribute the most stress in the P5/P6 kids.  I can relate to the experience.  My older boy is taking his PSLE this year.  My wife and I are concerned about his studies, particularly his Higher Chinese.  We have been sitting down with him every night to go through his assessment practices, getting him to understand the Chinese words and meaning behind each sentence in the passage.  I hope our labour will bear fruit, at least to push up his Chinese Achievement Level score.

On a separate note, my wife and I recently observed a thinning patch in the forehead of my younger boy.  At first, we thought it was a medical infection and we brought our 10-year-old to consult the family physician.  Later, my boy confessed that he had been pulling out his hair.  The reason was attributed to psychological stress in school brought on by the heavy workload.  I was stunned and was at a temporary loss on what to do.  All this while, my wife and I have been focused on our older boy because of his PSLE, and haven't been too strict with the younger child.  Ironically, the younger kid is the one exhibiting abnormal behaviour.  We sat down with him and explained how his habit of pulling hair will only make him look uglier.  If he is stressed by the heavy workload in school, he should inform his teacher.  We can brainstorm ways to cope with it.

By the way, a Straits Times reporter wrote about the story of how I met my wife.  The article appeared recently on the Sunday Times.  I hope it will inspire many to believe that love at first sight is indeed possible.  Hee.

Signing off for now.  Take care!

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Sunday, March 3, 2024

China Sunsine Chemical Holdings FY2023 Earning Result

China Sunsine Chemical Holdings ("CSSC") reported their FY2023 earning result on Thursday [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in million RMB unless stated otherwise.
Twelve Months Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Revenue 3,490.4 3,825.0 (8.7)
Profit before tax 453.2 733.7 (38.2)
Net Profit 372.4 642.4 (42.0)
EPS (RMB cents) 38.67 66.29 (41.7)
DPS (SGD cents) 2.5 2.5 -

CSSC is primarily involved in the manufacturing and selling rubber chemicals, of which the bulk is in China (58%) and rest of Asia (30%).  CSSC also provides heating power and waste treatment in China, but revenue is inconsequential.  2H2023 revenue declined 2% y/y, due to 13% y/y decrease in average selling price (ASP), offset by higher 12% y/y sales volume.  The decrease in ASP was mainly due to (i) decrease in the price of raw materials; and (ii) a more flexible pricing strategy in response to the intensified competition.  Sales volume increased as a result of higher demand and the flexible pricing.

FY2023 gross profit margin declined from 30.4% to 22.9%.  Management will continue to adopt more flexible pricing with its "sales production equilibrium" strategy, so as to strengthen its market leadership position.  At the same time, they will look to tighten costs control.  Management remains confident of being profitable in FY2024.

The Board has declared a 1.5 SGD cents ordinary dividend per share, as well as a 1.0 SGD cent special dividend per share, Ex Date: 9 May 2023.  This is the same as previous year.

My Thoughts
CSSC operates in a competitive industry, whereby there is no differentiation between getting rubber chemicals from one supplier versus another.  CSSC has adopted the strategy of bulk sales amid flexible pricing.  Luckily, CSSC can still maintain profit margin above 20 percent, while enjoying a market leading position.  According to the company, it continues to hold the title of the "world's largest producer of accelerators, China's foremost producer of insoluble sulphur, and a significant player in the antioxidants market."

My worry is CSSC being caught a death spiral to zero profit with its adversaries.  So far, my nightmare hasn't materialized, but I continue to be watchful of the company's performance through the fiscal year.  A 6 percent dividend yield is the icing on a wobbly cake.

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Saturday, March 2, 2024

Singapore Technologies Engineering FY2023 Earning Result

Singapore Technologies Engineering Limited ("STE") reported their FY2023 earning result on Thursday [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in S$ million unless stated otherwise.
Twelve Months Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Revenue 10,101.02 9,035.10 11.8
Gross Profit 1,972.75 1,698.66 16.1
Net Profit 586.47 535.01 9.6
EPS (in cents) 18.82 17.18 9.6
DPS (in cents) 16.0 16.0 -

FY2023 revenue was S$10.1B (FY22: S$9.0B), up 11.8% y/y, contributed mainly by the Commercial Aerospace unit of S$3.9B (FY22: S$3.0B), up 30.5% y/y and the Urban Solutions & Satcom unit of S$1.9B (FY22: S$1.7B), up 9.7% y/y.  The Defence & Public Security unit saw a slight 0.5% y/y revenue decline to S$4.2B.

FY2023 EBIT was S$914.7M (FY22: S$735.1M), up 24.4% y/y, contributed mainly by the Defence & Public Security unit of S$567.4M (FY22: S$405.0M), up 40.1% y/y.  Urban Solutions & Satcom unit saw a massive 65.7% EBIT decline to S$10.0M (FY22: S$29.2M), attributed to Satcom weakness, including severance costs and SatixFy divestment loss totalling S$32M, partially offset by higher EBIT from TransCore.

Management highlighted its TransCore investment became earnings accretive in FY2023, ahead of plan.  As at 31 Dec 2023, STE's order book remains robust at S$27.4B, inclusive of about S$3.1B new contract win in 4Q2023.  STE expects to deliver about S$7.9B from the order book in 2024.

The Board has proposed a final quarterly dividend of 4 cents per share (4Q2022: 4 cents), Ex Date: 30 Apr 2024.  This brings FY2023 total dividend to 16 cents per share, no change from previous year.

My Thoughts
Of all the local conglomerates I have researched, STE is one of the more capital-efficient entities.  STE's ROE is about 23.8%, comparable to post-restructured SembCorp Industries (23.8%), but far better than Keppel (8.1%, pre-restructured) and Haw Par (6.2%).  However, as with typical industrials, STE has a lot of debt on its books (S$6.1B).  Nonetheless, STE's healthy order book gives visibility to its revenue in the coming years.  Barring any extraordinary downturn in the global economy, STE should continue to remain profitable over the long term.

While its 16 cents DPS (85% payout of earnings) is nothing to shout about, I like the consistency of receiving cash quarterly without the unncessary shareholder capital change (spinoff, bonus stock issue etc).

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Friday, March 1, 2024

Portfolio Summary for February 2024

As of 29 February 2024


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 400 33.33 3.91
UOB 400 27.95 3.28
OCBC Bank 700 12.98 2.66
SGX 3,200 9.45 8.86
ST Engineering 6,900 3.98 8.04
Powermatic Data 8,500 2.95 7.35
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.68 9.06
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.55 8.67
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.55 8.90
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.43 9.01
Credit Bureau Asia 14,300 0.915 3.83
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.725 4.65
Nanofilm 36,100 0.705 7.46
China Sunsine 41,800 0.39 4.78
TalkMed Group 14,500 0.375 1.59
Kimly 27,000 0.31 2.45
HC Surgical 35,500 0.29 3.02
Silverlake Axis 37,100 0.23 2.50
Portfolio Value = S$341,367
YTD Dividends Received = S$1,000
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$20

- Bought 500 shares of SGX.
- Bought 4,200 shares of Micro-Mechanics.
- Bought 22,100 shares of Silverlake Axis Limited.


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 100 33.33 2.64
UOB 200 27.95 4.43
SGX 1,300 9.45 9.74
ST Engineering 3,000 3.98 9.46
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.68 7.19
Sheng Siong 8,700 1.55 10.69
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.55 6.14
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.43 6.23
Credit Bureau Asia 5,700 0.915 4.13
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.725 4.31
Nanofilm 12,500 0.705 6.98
China Sunsine 10,800 0.39 3.34
TalkMed Group 5,800 0.375 1.72
Kimly 5,800 0.31 1.43
HC Surgical 19,500 0.29 4.48
Silverlake Axis 6,000 0.23 1.09
NetLink NBN Trust 24,000 0.84 15.98
Portfolio Value = S$126,166

- Sold 900 shares of OCBC Bank.
- Bought 24,000 units of NetLink NBN Trust.

Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount (S$) Avg Yld %
GX22120S 14,000 3.47
GX23010Z 15,000 3.26
GX23110V 20,000 3.32
GX23120Z 20,000 3.40
Portfolio Value = S$69,000

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.125
Portfolio Value = US$8,750

- Bought 70,000 units of Keppel Pacific Oak REIT.

The Lunar New Year came and went in a flash.  My family did not do many visits, as my older son fell sick on the second day.  It pains my heart to see him coughing away through the night and had to miss school for one whole week.  While staying home, I had spare time to spring clean (yes, on CNY Day 1-3) and do some reading.

The Singapore bank stocks found a second wind at the start of the month.  DBS, UOB and OCBC soared in price before retreating in mid-February.  All three banks announced record earnings and a higher final dividend.  DBS also announced a 1-for-10 bonus stock issue, Ex Date: 22 Apr 2024.  I did not manage to buy any bank share at my intended price.  Will continue to monitor for suitable opportunities.

Meanwhile, I accumulated shares in SGX, Micro-Mechanics Holdings ("MMH") and Silverlake Axis Limited ("SAL").  SGX fell out of favour with institutional investors, which caused its price to decline significantly.  MMH and SAL had reported less than stellar results, which saw their prices retrace accordingly.  Nonetheless, these companies remain profitable and I believe they will be able to grow their business over the long run.

I also executed an unscheduled trade in February.

Keppel Pacific Oak REIT ("KORE") suffered a massive 40% price plunge when the Manager announced that it will suspend distribution to unitholders till 2H2025 (see company filiing [here]).  The aim is to retain the income for recapitalization of KORE's balance sheet.  As of 31 Dec 2023, KORE has aggregate leverage of 43.2%, primarily due to lower portfolio valuation.  This is a whisker away from the 45% limit, which may make lenders unwilling to provide further financing.  The Manager has evaluated various options, including equity fund raising, divestment of properties and reduced distribution to unitholders.  All were found to be unfeasible.  Continued capex is also required to keep the properties attractive to current and prospective tenants.

I have reviewed KORE's FY2023 earning result.  Gross revenue was US$150.8M (FY22: US$148.0M), +1.9% y/y.  NPI was US$86.1M (FY22: US$84.3M), +2.2% y/y.  As of 31 Dec 2023, net assets was US$723.2M (31 Dec 2022: US$846.1M), -14.5% y/y.  NAV was US$0.69 (31 Dec 2022: US$0.81), -14.8% y/y.  KORE's current liabilities exceeded its current assets by US$67.0M, compared to US$24.3M a year before.  KORE has an uncommitted unutilised facility of US$50.0M and a committed unutilised facility of US$18.1M.  KORE should have no problem rolling over the debt with its retained income and unused facilities.

I believe the pendulum has swung too far to the downside.  KORE is still in a healthy operating mode, albeit it needs liquidity to tide over the present challenging situation facing U.S. commercial real estate.  S-Reits are not my forte, but KORE's dramatic fall in price caught my eye.

Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) organized a Zoom session with KORE management.  (You can access the Powerpoint deck [here].)  The deck showed KORE has US$25M debt due 4Q2024 and US$50M due 2025.

If KORE survives through these two years and its refinancing goes through successfully, its price should recover to close the 80% gap to its NAV.  This is a rare mispricing event.  Thus, I bought 70,000 units of KORE for my account.

My analysis may well be wrong.  Just how bad is the U.S. commercial real estate situation?  The short answer is: real bad.  Bloomberg did a short video documentary about it.  You can watch it [here].  In the worst-case scenario, KORE finds itself unable to refinance its debt, and declares bankruptcy.  Should this happen, I will lose my entire investment.  However, this is only a small sum relative to my net worth.  The loss will not have any material impact to my wellbeing.  I am comfortable taking this speculative bet, in which the potential reward outweighs the risk.  (Please DYODD.)

As mentioned in my previous month's summary [here], I am revamping my SRS portfolio.  I have started selling down my existing holdings.  At the same time, I have started to accumulate NetLink NBN Trust ("NetLink").  For someone who previously avoided S-Reits, why the sudden interest now in NetLink?  Well, I find NetLink has many attractive points: a stable unitholder base; recurring earnings visibility; consistent and healthy margins; as well as a low gearing ratio of 24.3%.  With the development of new HDB residential towns like Tengah, and the government's plan to upgrade the National Broadband Network (NBN) infrastructure so as to provide faster connection speeds for families, the revenue outlook is bright for NetLink, as it is the sole entity providing the connection service and maintenance of the NBN.  It is like owning a utility company, albeit one with a 6% yield.  The vision for my SRS portfolio is to be a money stash that compounds at a moderate clip.  Investing in NetLink can help in this aspect.

April issuance of Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) is estimated to have an average yield of 3.04%.  The coupon rate is trending up again, but this is still below my requirement, hence I will not subscribe for the SSB.

At the workplace, I have just completed my annual performance evaluation with my team leader and manager.  My coworkers had told me their 2024 increment ranged between 1 and 3+ percent.  Hence, I wasn't expecting any better.  So I was pleasantly surprised when I was given a 5 percent increment in total compensation.  My actual bonus was also 15 percent higher than the target amount.  I'm glad that my contribution was given due recognition by my boss, and I'm grateful for the above average adjustment.  But it also means they have higher expectations for me this year.  I hope not to disappoint them.

My kids have just completed their Term One weighted assessments.  We can finally take a breather from the intensive revision (imagine: the parents are more worried than the kids!)  My older boy is taking his PSLE this year, hence we are concerned about his progress.  That said, as I grow older, I have realized the importance of taking care of our own mental health.  Being under constant stress can be harmful.  I try not to pack my kids' schedule, though I want my kids to take personal responsibility for their own success in life.  On various occasions, I have emphasized to my kids that I am not asking for perfect scores in their exams.  All I want them to do is to learn from their mistakes, pick themselves up when they fall, keep moving forward and "be better than yesterday".  Tenacity coupled with a growth mindset and incremental improvement can go a long way.

Until next time.  Cheers!

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Thursday, February 29, 2024

OCBC Group FY2023 Earning Result

OCBC Group ("OCBC") reported their FY2023 earning result yesterday [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in S$ million unless stated otherwise.
Full Year Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Total Income 13,507 11,286 19.7
Profit Before Tax 8,401 6,670 26.0
Net Profit 7,165 5,639 27.1
EPS (S$) 1.55 1.22 27.0
DPS (S$) 0.82 0.68 20.6

OCBC's FY2023 NII was S$9.65B (FY22: S$7.69B), up 25.5% y/y, attributed to asset growth and a higher NIM of 2.28% (FY22: 1.91%).  Non-interest income was S$3.86B (FY22: S$3.60B), up 7.3% y/y, attributed to higher trading income of S$1.00B (FY22: S$929M) and higher investment gains.  Insurance income from Great Eastern Holdings was comparable at S$808M (FY22: S$803M).  Wealth management income improved to S$4332B (FY22: S$3.42B).  FY2023 net profit hit record S$7.02B (FY22: S$5.53B), up 27.1% y/y,

FY2023 operating expenses was S$5.22B (FY22: S$4.83B), up 8.0% y/y due to higher staff cost, IT-related costs and other operational expenses.  Non-performing assets stood at S$2.90B as at 31 Dec 2023, down 16.8% y/y.  NPL ratio is 1.0% as at 31 Dec 2023 (31 Dec 2022: 1.2%).  FY2023 allowances increased to S$733M (FY22: S$584M).  FY2023 ROE improved to 13.7% (FY22: 11.1%).

OCBC CEO Helen Wong highlighted the strategic acquisitions of AmMetLife Insurance and AmMetLife Takaful in Malaysia and PT Bank Commonwealth in Indonesia to accelerate OCBC's growth in ASEAN, pending regulatory approvals.  FY2024 loan growth is expected to be low single digit (similar to UOB).

The Board declared a final dividend of 42 cents per share, going Ex Date: 8 May 2024.

My Thoughts
Welcome to the wacky world of equity investing.  OCBC achieved record revenue and net profit, but the stock got sold down because of missed analysts' 4Q2023 EPS expectations (actual: S$0.357, street: S$0.386).  Even a higher final dividend failed to whet the appetite of investors.  Nonetheless, OCBC still managed to clock in a respectful performance.  OCBC forecasts FY2024 NIM to be in the range of 2.00% to 2.25%, just slightly lower compared to FY2023.   Will continue to monitor the stock price and accumulate on opportunity.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Sheng Siong Group FY2023 Earning Result

Sheng Siong Group ("SSG") reported their FY2023 earning result yesterday [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in S$ million unless stated otherwise.
Twelve Months Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Revenue 1,367.72 1,339.46 2.1
Profit Before Tax 163.12 163.08 0.0
Net Profit 134.00 133.64 0.3
EPS (in cents) 8.89 8.87 0.2
DPS (in cents) 6.25 6.22 0.5

Revenue increased to S$1.37B (FY22: S$1.34), up 2.1% y/y, of which 2.5% is due to four new stores opened in 2022.  Sales of comparable stores remained the same.  SSG now operates five stores in China, of which revenue declined 0.1% y/y.  Gross profit margin improved to 30.0% (FY22: 29.4%) due to change in sales mix, offset by rising staff costs (up S$6.6M) and utility expenses (up S$13.8M).  Net profit margin remained steady at 10.1% (FY22: 10.0%).

Management believes escalating costs may compel consumers to adopt cost-cutting measures, such as choosing home-cooked meals, patronising value-driven supermarkets, and opting for more affordable house brand products.  Consumers who previously frequented upscale markets may now pivot towards budget-friendly supermarkets in an effort to manage their expenses.

SSG is expected to open two new stores in Singapore (at 91 Jalan Satu and Blk 471B Yishun Street 42) and one new store in Kunming, China during 2Q 2024.  Nonetheless, management warns that competition remains fierce in the supermarket industry.  Aggressive promotions coupled with higher input costs such as labour and energy expenses put pressure on margins.

SSG declared a final dividend of 3.2 cents per share, up from 3.07 cents per share a year ago.

My Thoughts:
SSG has always been one of my favourite stocks.  The business model is simple to understand; it has a stable (i.e. non-growing) shareholder base; the company heaps in lots of cash and has no debt; the management is disciplined in executing its strategy; and the profit margins have remained healthy through the years.  Best of all, the Board is willing to share the fruit of their success via an increase in dividend.  What's not to like about this company?  (Disclaimer: I shop at Sheng Siong every week.)  I wouldn't mind if the market still shuns this stock, keeping its price afloat around the $1.60 range.  It gives me opportunity to load up more of the shares.  Lots more.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Nanofilm Technologies FY2023 Earning Result

Nanofilm Technologies International Ltd ("Nanofilm") reported their FY2023 earning result this morning [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in S$ million unless stated otherwise.
Twelve Months Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Revenue 177.02 237.41 (25.4)
Profit Before Tax 3.14 46.12 (93.2)
Net Profit 2.70 43.29 (93.8)
EPS (in cents) 0.48 6.65 (92.9)
DPS (in cents) 0.66 2.20 (70.0)

Nanofilm derives its revenue from its four business units: (a) Advanced Materials ("AM"), which involves their proprietary vacuum coating technology; (b) Nanofabrication ("NF"), which manufactures nanoproducts in optical imaging lens and sensory components; Industrial Equipment ("IE"), which develops customized coating equipment for customers; and (d) Sydrogen ("SD"), which provides fuel cell components and solutions.

Revenue broadly declined 25.4% y/y, attributed by lower sales achieved by the AM, IE and NF businesses.  This was partially offset by higher revenue from the SD business, primarily due to production ramp-up from new projects.  FY2023 EBITDA margin was 23.1% for AM (FY22: 36.4%), 33.0% for IE (FY22: 24.7%), 16.7% for NF (FY22: 32.9%).  SD operated at a loss of S$2.0M (FY22: -$1.6M).  Gross profit declined 41.1% y/y, primarily due to increase in material costs and increase in depreciation & amortizaton expenses.  Management does not expect significant capex in FY2024, but will focus on maximising returns from current asset base.  Management is confident of higher revenue and profit in FY2024, contingent upon absence of major unexpected events.

My Thoughts
Nanofilm derives the bulk of its revenue from its China operations (72.9%).  Singapore is second (20.2%).  The remaining comes from Japan and Vietnam.  2023 was a challenging year for manufacturers in China.  Despite the higher costs, EBITA margin had managed to maintain in double digits.  A lower final dividend payout was expected.  Hope 2024 will be better.  I had built up a sizeable position in Nanofilm as the market sold down the stock in 2023.  Will refrain from adding and monitor the company's performance going forward.

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Monday, February 26, 2024

Credit Bureau Asia FY2023 Earning Result

Credit Bureau Asia ("CBA") reported their FY2023 earning result this morning [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in S$ million unless stated otherwise.
Twelve Months Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Revenue 54.17 48.62 11.4
Profit Before Tax 26.68 22.85 16.8
Net Profit 22.02 19.29 14.2
EPS (in cents) 4.27 3.65 17.0
DPS (in cents) 3.70 3.40 8.8

CBA operates credit bureaus in Singapore, Cambodia and Myanmar.  Revenue earned here is categorized under financial institution data ("FI Data").  CBA reported broad-based increase in revenue to the Singapore FI Data business, as well as revenue in tandem with growth of the Camobodia economy.  Revenue from the sale of reports increased to S$23.0M (FY22: S$20.0M), up 14.9% y/y, mainly attributed to the increase in bulk review reports and new credit application reports sold to bureau members.  Revenue from consumer direct and employment check increased 38.5% as a result of increase in price and quantity of reports sold to consumers and employers.

CBA also has joint venture partnerships with Dun & Bradstreet which provides customers with a range of business information and risk management services.  Revenue earned here is categorized under non-financial institutional data ("Non-FI Data").  CBA reported their Non-FI Data business continues to expand in Singapore and Malaysia.  Revenue from CBA's global credit risk management solutions increased to S$17.5M (FY22: S$15.5M), up 13.3% y/y, mainly driven by demand from increased compliance and risk management requirements from both local and global customers.  Revenue from sale of reports under CBA's Singapore Commercial Credit Bureau and other bureaus increased to S$8.3M (FY22: S$7.4M), up 10.9% y/y, mainly as a result of increase in quantity of report sold and number of customers.

The company is looking to increase market penetration by introducing new products and services to customers.

My Thoughts
CBA's revenue between FI Data business and Non-FI Data business is roughly evenly split (S$25.78M vs. S$23.03M).  I believe the launch of digital banks in Singapore is one primary contributor to the FI Data business.  FI Data profit margin is higher (59.7%) versus Non-FI Data (50.2%).  Happy to see the company making headway.  A bump-up in the final dividend to two cents is a pleasant gift.  Will continue to monitor for opportunities to stock up.

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Sunday, February 25, 2024

HRnetGroup FY2023 Earning Result

HRnetGroup ("HRnet") reported their FY2023 earning result on Thursday [here].  Here is a quick dive into the numbers:

Numbers in S$ million unless stated otherwise.
Twelve Months Ending 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022 % Change
Revenue 578.47 611.78 5.4
Gross Profit 138.97 174.15 (20.2)
Net Profit 66.06 72.46 (8.8)
EPS (in cents) 6.44 6.75 (4.6)
DPS (in cents) 4.00 4.00 -

HRnet has two key business segments: Flexible Staffing (FS) and Professional Recruitment (PR).  Management said the uncertain economic climate saw continued shifts towards FS and the revenue proportion rose to 88.0% (FY22: 83.4%), while the gross profit proportion rose to 50.3% (FY22: 42.1%).  On the other hand, the revenue and gross profit proportion for PR dropped to 11.3% (FY22: 15.9%) and 47.0% (FY22: 55.5%) respectively.  Management attributed this to hiring freezes and cautious sentiments prevailing across the Asian cities HRnet operates in.  Singapore is HRnet's largest market, contributing 66.7% (FY22: 64.9%) of the revenue.  Overall gross profit reduction was mainly in Singapore and Greater China.

Flexible Staffing (source: FY2023 result presentation)

Professional Recruitment (source: FY2023 result presentation)

My Thoughts
HRnet business is closely entwined with the health of the economy.  It is no surprise that their Greater China entity suffered, given China's lacklustre economic performance.  FY2023 net profit would have been worse, if not for a S$8.1M increase y/y in "Other Income", which comprises reversal of trade-related accruals, government grants, interest income, fair value gain and dividend income.  Management is watchful of overhead cost and continues to do so.  Will take it easy and monitor the company's performance through 2024.

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Saturday, February 24, 2024

A shareholder survives off the balance sheet

Over the week past the Lunar New Year, I was deeply immersed in the field of professional money management.

Not literally of course, but through literature.

I had perused several books written by seasoned fund managers, who possess more than a century's worth of successful investment experience in the stock market combined.

One of these books is titled, "Common Stocks & Common Sense - The Strategies, Analyses, Decisions and Emotions of a Particularly Successful Value Investor".

The author is Edgar Wachenheim III, founder, CEO and chairman of Greenhaven Associates, a value-based equity hedge fund with US$9.38 billion AUM.  From 1988 to 2017, Wachenheim had generated an average annual return of roughly 19 percent before fees for Greenhaven clients [source: CNBC].

This is no small feat, considering the graveyard of finance is littered with tens of thousands of failed hedge funds.  When an accomplished investor is willing to share his life experience in a book, one has to naturally pay attention to the lessons.

Indeed, it was an eye-opener as Wachenheim described his thought process on several of his investments, and preached the wisdom gained.

Here is one memorable quote from the book:

A shareholder makes money off the income statement, but survives off the balance sheet.

What Wachnheim means is that for an investor to know whether a company is rewarding, look at its income statement; but to know whether a company is risky, look at its balance sheet.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Investment outcomes are probabilistic in nature.  The extent of a gain/loss exists across a spectrum.  As investors, our foremost concern should be to minimize the left-tail risk of permanent loss in our capital.

Recall Warren Buffett's two rules: Number 1. Don't lose money; Number 2. Don't forget the first rule.

One of the best ways not to lose money is to NEVER invest in companies that have trouble operating as a going concern.  These are businesses leveraged to the hilt, but have no sustainable way forward to repay the debt, as well as companies stuck in a sunset industry and generating waning cash flows.  They are the "dying embers" of the corporate world - one last flicker before the flame goes out.

Examples are plenty.  Think automobile manufacturer General Motors, before it went belly up in 2009.  Think local water treatment firm Hyflux, before it filed for bankruptcy in 2018.  Or the 56 companies currently suspended from trading on the Singapore Exchange.

Shareholders of such firms face dim prospects of recovering their money.

While it may be tough to identify companies whose management are engaged in hidden, unscrupulous activities, the telltale signs of a fundamentally unsound enterprise are often visible in the balance sheet.

Granted, going through a balance sheet can be daunting for the layman investor.  If reading stacks of tiny digits makes your head spin and want to give up, allow me to point you to the three numbers on the balance sheet that I pay the most attention when researching on a company.

The first number is Total Liabilities, which indicates the overall financial obligations of the company as at a specific date.

These include borrowings (from banks and the debt market), undelivered goods and services, as well as all things payable (capitalised expenses, mortgages, money owed to suppliers etc).

Total liabilities can be subdivided into current and non-current (or 'long-term') liabilities.  Current liabilities are payable within one year.  Non-current liabilities are due after one year.  Regardless, they represent monetary burdens that must be resolved at a future point in time.

Here is an example from the most recent filing of a local listed company (let me call it Company X):

As seen above, Company X has a total liabilities of US$29.65 million as at 31 Dec 2023.  Keep this figure in mind as we explore the next number.

The second number is Cash and Cash Equivalents.  Cash is self-evident.  The 'cash equivalents' here refers to highly liquid instruments that can be easily converted to money.  These include money market securities, banker's acceptances and even short-term government bonds.

This figure sits in the Assets section and is usually the first item on the balance sheet.  The position of this number at the very top speaks volumes of its importance.

As seen above, Company X has cash and cash equivalents of US$52.05 million as at 31 Dec 2023.

If we compare the first and second numbers, we can see that Company X is more than capable of repaying its total liabilities using its cash coffer.  (As for why Company X is keeping so much cash and not returning a portion of it to its shareholders, this is a different discussion altogether.)

The third number to take note is Total Equity.  This item is found below Total Liabilities and comprises shareholders capital, treasury shares, reserves and retained earnings/losses from previous fiscal years.

Think of total equity as the money left after selling all assets to repay all liabilities of the company.  You wouldn't want this number to be negative.  If it is, the company is in serious trouble.  I would suggest to give it a miss.

As seen above, Company X has a total equity of US$56.38 million as at 31 Dec 2023.  It doesn't look bad at all, but notice Company X has accumulated losses that is nearly as big as its total liabilities.  One wonders what the heck the management has been doing to the business all these years.

Based on these three numbers, we can compare the company versus its peers and against history.  Throw in net income from the income statement and we can work out a slew of ratios such as the return on capital etc. These metrics should give you an approximate idea on whether this company is relatively healthy and capital efficient, or not.

A full study of the balance sheet is beyond the scope of a mere blog post.  If you are keen, a decent accountancy textbook should help.

There are other interesting aspects of the balance sheet that warrant further elaboration.  (Footnotes, anyone?)  However, I hope this basic introduction has made the balance sheet a little less intimidating for you.

Here's to your survival (and prosperity) as a fellow risk-conscious shareholder.

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