Monday, March 3, 2025

Portfolio Summary for February 2025

As of 28 February 2025


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 440 45.85 4.56
UOB 400 38.11 3.45
OCBC Bank 700 17.25 2.73
SGX 3,200 13.35 9.66
ST Engineering 6,900 5.43 8.47
Powermatic Data 10,800 2.81 6.86
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.60 7.09
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.64 7.09
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.63 6.78
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.34 6.52
UMS 31,200 1.03 7.27
Credit Bureau Asia 30,100 1.22 8.31
Nanofilm 36,100 0.68 5.55
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.685 3.39
TalkMed Group 34,500 0.455 3.55
China Sunsine 41,800 0.475 4.49
Kimly 27,000 0.315 1.92
HC Surgical 35,500 0.285 2.29
Portfolio Value = S$442,097
YTD Dividends Received = S$1,110
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$27



Security # shares Price S$ %
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.60 5.90
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.63 6.49
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.34 5.43
Nanofilm 12,500 0.68 6.26
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.685 3.79
HC Surgical 19,500 0.285 4.10
NetLink NBN Trust 108,000 0.855 68.04
Portfolio Value = S$135,707


Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount Coupon Now
GX22120S S$14,000 3.28%
GX23010Z S$15,000 2.95%
GX23110V S$20,000 3.21%
GX23120Z S$20,000 3.30%
GX24060A S$20,000 3.26%
GX24070S S$20,000 3.26%
GX24080W S$20,000 3.19%
Portfolio Value = S$129,000
YTD Coupons Received = S$866

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.215
Portfolio Value = US$15,050


February was a short month, and this will be a short post because, well, nothing much happened in my life. I did not place any trade for my portfolios. The bulk of my capital has been diverted away for another use, so I have to be selective with my remaining dry powder.

Most of the companies on my watchlist reported stable and satisfactory results. The exception is UMS Integration, which reported a 19 percent decline in YoY Revenue and a 32 percent drop in YoY Net Profit. On the other side, the three local banks remain highly profitable, logging record fiscal year revenue. Their share prices have reached levels not seen over the past few years. I will not buy the stock at these levels, despite the tantalizing dividend amount.

At the workplace, I had just completed my yearly performance evaluation. My colleagues had complained about paltry annual compensation this year. Some of my peers even had no salary raise. For me, my actual bonus was $400 above the target amount. Management attributed it to a challenging business environment last year. My salary increment is the lowest of all fifteen years I have been in the company. But at least it is not zero. I am zen about the whole thing. At my current job grade, any increment above zero is good enough for me. I am grateful for the opportunity to do something of my interest in this role.

At home, my wife and younger boy came down with the common cold. There seems to be a virulent bug (or bugs) floating around, as some of my colleagues also suffered from the illness. I wear a mask when I am out and about, and I place emphasis on maintaining good personal hygiene. I do daily static exercises in the morning and I run twice a week. I believe these habits helped me to keep fit. Good health should not be taken for granted.

Going into March, I anticipate a slew of dividends to come in and buff up my capital. Dividends are the fruit of our sound equity investment, and ought to be cherished.

Signing off for now. Take care!

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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Portfolio Summary for January 2025

As of 31 January 2025


Security # shares Price S$ %
DBS 440 44.61 4.49
UOB 400 37.51 3.43
OCBC Bank 700 17.40 2.79
SGX 3,200 12.27 8.98
ST Engineering 6,900 4.84 7.64
Powermatic Data 10,800 2.90 7.16
TheHourGlass 19,600 1.57 7.04
Sheng Siong 19,100 1.63 7.12
Micro-Mechanics 18,400 1.76 7.41
VICOM Ltd 21,500 1.31 6.44
UMS 31,200 1.05 7.49
Credit Bureau Asia 30,100 1.23 8.47
Nanofilm 36,100 0.715 5.90
HRnetGroup 21,900 0.685 3.43
TalkMed Group 34,500 0.45 3.55
China Sunsine 41,800 0.445 4.25
Kimly 27,000 0.325 2.01
HC Surgical 35,500 0.295 2.40
Portfolio Value = S$437,216
YTD Dividends Received = S$0
YTD SBL Fees Received = S$27



Security # shares Price S$ %
TheHourGlass 5,000 1.57 5.72
Micro-Mechanics 5,400 1.76 6.92
VICOM Ltd 5,500 1.31 5.25
Nanofilm 12,500 0.715 6.51
HRnetGroup 7,500 0.685 3.74
HC Surgical 19,500 0.295 4.19
NetLink NBN Trust 108,000 0.86 67.66
Portfolio Value = S$137,267

- Sold 5,800 shares of Kimly.

Singapore Savings Bonds

Security Amount Coupon Now
GX22120S S$14,000 3.28%
GX23010Z S$15,000 2.95%
GX23110V S$20,000 3.21%
GX23120Z S$20,000 3.30%
GX24060A S$20,000 3.26%
GX24070S S$20,000 3.26%
GX24080W S$20,000 3.19%
Portfolio Value = S$129,000
YTD Coupons Received = S$547

Speculative Play

Security # shares Price US$
Kep Pacific Oak REIT 70,000 0.24
Portfolio Value = US$16,800


This will be a short post because, well, there isn't much activity for me this month.  The Lunar New Year passed quickly.  My family only visited the parents on both sides.  We didn't visit any relatives or friends.  This is our typical routine, as my wife and I don't really enjoy socializing.

Donald Trump is inaugurated as the second-term U.S. President.  He vowed to press ahead with his nationalist policies.  In fact, with effect from today (1 Feb 2025), the U.S. imposed 25 percent tariffs on its closest neighbours Canada and Mexico, as well as a 10 percent levy on China. [news]  And that does not seem to be the end.  Even as the Fed opted to keep the interest rate as it is, these political manoeuvres will surely rock the market with volatility.

I did not make any trade for my CDP portfolio.  As for my SRS portfolio, I sold off my small stake in Kimly.  I continue to lie in wait of an opportunity to load up on some of my watchlisted stocks.

At work, I embarked on my new role.  I have had meetings with various stakeholders in the company - Sales, Product and Engineering in order to understand their plans for 2025 and to discuss how Services (my department) can collaborate.  Already, my workload has increased several fold, since I still have to juggle the responsibilities to my existing Enterprise clients.  Nonetheless, I sense a spirit of renewal.  Work starts to become meaningful for me again.

At home, my older boy started his Secondary One education at Hwa Chong Institution.  He seems to be enjoying himself so far.  I still continue to drill my two boys to do revision on a daily basis (even on public holidays).  I want them to build the disciplined habit of incremental improvement.  That way, when the examinations come around, they will not be so stressed out by the sudden study load.

I just realized this is not such a short post after all.  Haha.  Anyway, earnings release season is upon us.  Will be interesting to see how the companies performed in the last quarter of 2024.  Another focus is on the dividend amount being declared.

Take care!

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